22 July 2009

Jost Van Dyke

Last night, after washing my hair, I left it natural and have the fright of my life when I sleepily look at myself in the mirror this morning and see Chico Marx staring back at me!

Mike, John and Allison go ashore to get rid of the rubbish and have a look around the shops, then we get the anchor up and motor round to White Bay.  It is almost deserted when we arrive and we have our choice of mooring balls.  Mike as usual, chooses one over by Ivan’s Stress Free Bar.

After lunch, only Simon goes snorkelling.  Poor Adam has been feeling bad since the middle of the night, and stays in his cabin.  Everyone else just lazes around the boat.

Around 3.30, Allison and I decide to go ashore for a walk along the beach.  The bay is not so quiet now, as a few day boats have arrived as well as quite a few charter boats.

IMGP1719 Photo:  The far west end of White Bay

IMGP1732 Photo:  The east end of White Bay


 Photo:  The Soggy Dollar Bar

IMGP1725Photo:  Corkscrew hair - THIS, folks, is why I blow dry and straighten it!!


Photo:  Ivan’s Stress Free Bar

Allison and I walk the length of the beach, ending up at Ivan’s where all the shell pictures and signs are.  Ivan is there and I point out the photo of him and Heather and tell him I am Heather’s friend.  He nods happily.  We walk to the waters edge and wait for Mike to come and pick us up in the dinghy.  Elegance is not in evidence as we both clamber back in.

We motor back round to Great Harbour for the evening as there is quite a swell, and get take-away pizza from Corsairs.  We all have an early night as we are starting off early tomorrow morning.


  1. Looks like a beautiful sunny day..finally! Glad you saw the pic of Ivan and me. I have a couple in there.
    I can't believe you were swimming the other day and now walking along the beach! What is up with that? ;)
    BTW..your hair looks quite lovely all blonde and curly. Don't curse me for saying so..I love it straight, too!! :)
    Love, Heather XXOO

  2. Jean, I second Heather's opinion on the hair. I like it. But... as you know, I hate my curly hair as well so I can sympathize.
    I cannot believe you went for a walk on the beach!!

