06 July 2009

Cane Garden Bay to Cooper Island

The morning dawns dismal and grey.  It rained quite hard during the night and the forecast is for more.  Everyone wants to do some shopping and I need to get to Supa Valu so we decide that today is the day to attack Road Town.

It’s quite a hard sail over to Road Town, heading straight into the wind and slapping into the waves.  In the event, there is no more rain and the weather gradually clears up the closer we get.  We anchor just inside the marina wall, and Mike dinghies us to the dock.

I take them to the artisan shops in Main Street, as they want to look for Christmas decorations and a nativity set.  It being the wrong time of year, I am not very hopeful but we actually find what they are looking for in Sunny Caribbee, although at $222 for a carved nativity set, they settle for a tree decoration.  Cheryl collects both things from around the world.

The shops in Main Street are very colourful and most are old wooden colonial buildings.  The road is very narrow, with cars parked haphazardly along it, and I am very glad it is one way only in this area anyway.  Crossing it can be perilous!


IMGP1625Photos:  Quaint artisan shops in Main Street

As usual, chickens abound everywhere.  The mother hens start off with lots of chicks but as they grow, their numbers decline rapidly, hugely although how any of them survive is a miracle.  Mike even saw chicks being attacked by seagulls once, although it’s normally the cars that get them.

IMGP1627Photo:  A very young brood of chicks with their mum

Luckily Supa Value is open and I am able to buy shrimp, but they are completely out of chicken breast (and Megan doesn’t eat any fish or seafood) so it’s back to Bobby’s and luckily I manage to buy almost what I need there.  We leave Road Town and eat sandwiches on the way.  It’s too late and too rough to do anything else. 

The sail over is usually straightforward, but today the wind and current push us continually towards Buck Island and we end up tacking all the way, arriving mid afternoon.  Everyone goes off snorkelling then ashore for dinner. 

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