17 January 2011

Day 376: Cape Town to St Helena – 17/01/11

Well the weather changes today in that it is cloudy ALL day and as there’s virtually no wind coming from any direction, we motor – all day.  The monotonous drone of the engine drives me nuts.  It goes through the whole boat and even though it isn’t actually loud, once you fixate on it, ie when you are trying to get to sleep, it’s all you can hear.  Consequently, when I try to sleep, I can’t.  That will teach me to be cocky about getting this sleeping business licked.

Around lunchtime, we cross into the western hemisphere once more, our degrees of longitude now being degrees west rather than degrees east.  As far as our latitude is concerned, we are directly south of England now and in the same time zone which seems really weird as we are still so far away from home.

We fish but nothing is interested.  We are devouring books like never before on this trip.  All the two of us do is read, sleep and eat.  Oh, and I spend a lot of time sweeping the floor with my new brushes.  My sister would be proud.  My new broom and hand brush are a marvel and they are up there as numbers 4 and 5 on the list of inanimate objects that I am in love with on the boat, numbers 1, 2 and 3 being my camera, my notebook computer and my totally non-automatic washing machine.

These brushes, which Ann recommended I buy in Knysna, made in South Africa with the wonderful brand name of Floor Wizard, are made of green rubber.  I don’t understand the physics, but when you sweep, all the dust and whatever the rest of the stuff is on the floor, sticks together electro-magnetically into a clump.  It doesn’t all go flying up into the air as with a normal broom.  It is totally fantastic and I sweep and brush away every day with a zeal that is truly terrifying.  Mike thinks I am turning into my sister, although I have a long way to go before I get that bad (sorry Ann).  I am also turning into a very sad person.  It must be something to do with the boredom of passage.  I hope so anyway!  If I am still sweeping my little heart out when we get to Brazil, Mike has instructions to shoot me.


Our position is:  20 deg 02 min S, 00 deg 31 min W

Distance so far:  19907 nautical miles


  1. Hi shipmates

    I find it commendable that you aspire to be like your older but wiser and beautiful sister in the broom department.

    As you know a good broom with a swift and meticulous cleaning action is not to be sniffed at especially when it comes to fluff of any variety.

    With love and relief, finally that you have moved on and can see now that the mode of sweeping with a green rubber broom can excel you to great heights (says the lady who cleans, washes and shops with the green rubber broom permanently fixed in the place where the sun don't dare shine) xxxxxxx

  2. Can't find these brushes / brooms online. Any more info that might help locate them?
