16 January 2011

Day 375: Cape Town to St Helena – 16/01/11

It’s Groundhog Day again as far as the weather goes – actually as far as everything goes!

In the lovely afternoon sun, I sit and gaze over the blue nothingness and out of the corner of my eye spot a load of fish scales clinging to the side of the deck where I am sitting but there’s no sign of a stiff flying fish.  Obviously that one managed to get back over the side to live another day.

Mike puts the fishing rod out.  We are trundling so slowly now, even with the engine on, that we should be able to catch even a slow swimmer but we catch nothing probably because our half a lure (remember it got bitten in two) isn’t attractive enough.  Come on, there must be one stupid, desperate, edible fish out there.

I make Thai green curry for lunch which is OK.  I am trying to get through some of the cans which are starting to look a bit old, so add baby sweetcorn and mushrooms, making a note (after checking my store cupboard) not to buy any more cans or dried foods until we get to St Lucia.  Now that we have made the commitment to put Jeannius back into bareboat charter we will have to remove all our stuff and I don’t want loads of food left over.

I experiment and make a Malva pudding in the breadmaker.  It’s not as good as usual, probably because it’s deeper but not as wide and the breadmaker cooks it differently to an oven, but it’s OK and the result is that Mike and I eat the whole lot for dinner – yes, a whole pudding in one go.  That’s disgusting.  Where is the resolve to start a diet.  If I had a full length mirror or a set of scales it might do the trick.  As it is I am going to get a horrible shock when I get back to the UK!!!

Oh, and for those of you who have asked about the missing day where I went up the mast, strange things happen when you post to the blog using the satellite phone and e-mail.  For some reason, it didn’t get posted but when we get to St Helena I will sort it out.  Until then, you’ll have to wait!


Our position is:  21 deg 28 min S, 01 deg 14 min E

Distance so far:  19780 nautical miles

1 comment:

  1. I've a whole wall of full length mirrors and a set of scales and I still can't get enough resolve together to ditch those festive muffin
    tops so don't beat yourself up! You HAVE to do something on those passages and cooking and eating rate pretty high seeing as you don't
    have soaps to watch.

    Olly x
