31 October 2010

Day 298: La Reunion to South Africa – 31/10/10

My watch passes comfortably, too comfortably probably and I get the nibbles which causes me to have my breakfast ready by 6 am. 

P1040504 Photo:  5.54 am and the sun is already up

By the time Mike gets us around 7 am I am ready for my cup of tea and bed.  Amazingly I sleep soundly until just gone midday then leap up and make lunch – pan fried duck breast with spicy red cabbage.  Mike and I spend a hour or so together then he heads off for bed.

Of course, now I am alone, this is the time that the fishing line decides to scream out, although it only lets out a few feet before stopping again.  I put the clutch on and pull on the line.  There is no tension which either means it’s a big fish that is keeping up with us and keeping the line slack (gulp) or that there is no fish at all.  I start to pull the line in and suddenly notice the lure skipping along the top of the water.  Ah, that’ll be no fish then.  I pull it in and discover that the jelly fish has been bitten in half just behind the hook.  Something will have indigestion today.  Serves it right!

P1040505 Photo:  Another lure bites the dust

Chessie is now the only boat visible to the eye and radar although we do get to see other signs of life in the form of a couple of huge container ships as we cross the unmarked shipping channel from Malaysia/Indonesia to South Africa.

It’s a lovely afternoon.  The sea is calm and there is just enough wind for us to sail the course we want at around 6 knots.  I lie in the cockpit reading and even manage to do some mat exercises and yoga although I don’t keep at it for very long without someone to nag me to continue.

I lie out on the side cushions for a while when it’s late enough not to worry about burning.  There is a gentle breeze and the boat rocks gently as she glides through the water.  Bliss - this is how I like sailing.  I wish it was always like this.


Our position is:  23 deg 27 min S, 53 deg 12 min E

Distance so far:  16666 nautical miles

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