11 June 2009

Road Town to Peter Island

You know the expression ‘there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep’?  Well last night was nothing like a good night’s sleep!  I have never rolled so much at anchor and the rain came down in torrents, making the most incredible din on the roof of the yacht, carrying on well into the early morning.  When I first look out of the window, I can barely make out the cruise ship dock, the cloud is so low.

Gradually, it stops, although the clouds still look ominous.  Mike heads off to buy some more rigging stuff and I put together the provisioning list for the next charter.  Just before noon we motor around to Nanny Cay for my hair appointment.

Just entering the marina, the wind drops and the temperature, already sweltering under what looks like storm clouds, notches up another ten degrees.  I can’t wait to be in the air-conditioned salon.

Immediately I arrive, I start to scratch around my ankles.  Either I have been bitten by the little flying ants that seem to be all over the marina or by mosquitoes in the salon itself.  Oh well, at least it’s cool.

While I am getting my locks chopped, Mike gets a yacht painter to look at and quote for painting the aluminium mast and crossbeam.  The man says he can’t paint the mast while it is up – it will need to be taken down – and he sends a rigger in to quote for this - $4000 just to get it down and put it back, and the paint job is on top!  That might have to wait for a bit.

We leave the marina, aware that the clouds are getting darker by the minute, and sure enough, another tropical storm hits us.  The rain comes drives into the cockpit from the side, and we have no time to fasten the side screens into position, so the cockpit is soaked in seconds.

IMGP1480 Photo:  A soggy cockpit

IMGP1481Photo:  That’s Tortola in the background – or is it England?

Typically, it continues to rain until after I have put the anchor down then gradually peters out.  Great Harbour turns out to be a lovely, calm spot for the evening.


  1. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy reading your daily blog! After 2 bareboat charters in BVI, most recently in Dec 08, I feel that I am there living your lifestyle.

    Thanks and keep writing!


  2. hi jean i am up to date now got a tear or two in my eye! love and miss you both very much a reader from warrington x
