24 June 2009

Norman Island to Peter Island via USVI

We aim to get up really early – literally 5.30 or so, and set out by 6.00 because our guests need to be dropped off at Cruz Bay, St John and we need to get back to pick up our next guests from Road Town.  As usual, we are later than we planned but are off by 7.00.

We headed around the south side of St John, this being the most direct route from Norman Island.  The wind was 15-20 knots, mostly dead behind us so at one point the genoa and main sail were ‘goose winged’ as we still haven’t got our gennaker or the bow sprit fitted back onto the boat.  The waves were 6-8 feet and beautifully smooth, but this was more than some of the guests had experienced this week, so there were some green faces quite soon after setting off although fortunately no one was actually sick!  There were many cries of ‘are we nearly there’!

Once at Cruz Bay, all the luggage and all 9 of us had to go, in relay, by dinghy to the Customs and Immigration to check in.  Mike and I had to go even though we were going straight back to the BVIs – bureaucracy gone mad or what?

The guests were through before us, even though our processing started first, but eventually we were done and back in the dinghy.  After re-fuelling we started back to Tortola. This time we go around the north side of St John, thus making a complete circuit of the island.  It has so many beautiful bays and beaches that we decide we must come back and explore some time.

We anchor just outside the customs office at Road Town and Mike goes off to check us back in, then it’s up anchor again and round to a little spot just inside the harbour wall at Wickhams Cay, and the cleaning starts.  Then it’s a trip to the laundry where the lady that never chats to me actually chats quite happily and lets me sit in her chair in the doorway to catch some breeze.  While I am there Mike goes off in search of something from the rigging and to pay this month’s Social Security.  When he comes back, exhausted from the heat, he takes the chair and I go off to do some food shopping from Supa Value.

We stagger back to the boat, dripping with sweat (lovely) and I finish cleaning the stern cabin and toilet ready for Heather and Joe and just about finish when the phone rings - they’ve arrived at Village Cay Marina.  So it’s back in the dinghy and round the corner and there they are.  Heather has learned from her trip last time and has bought soft bags and only half the amount of stuff, so we manage to get all four of us and their things in the dinghy in one trip.

We get back to the boat, bring up the anchor and we are off, over to Peter Island for the night.

They have been up since 3 in the morning travelling so after dinner and a few drinks, it’s off to bed for all of us.  First though, we watch an episode of ‘Game On’ as a further education in British sit-com humour.  We promise Heather that tomorrow she can watch ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’ as she has been unable to buy it in a US format and has withdrawal symptoms!

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