12 June 2009

Backwards and forwards!

What a difference a day makes!  This morning, we awake after a fabulous night’s sleep to a beautiful day.  Blue sky, white fluffy clouds and no rain.  Still incredibly hot, even before 8 o’clock.  And there are cheese and ham croissants, hot from the oven!  Bliss.

IMGP1485 Photo:  A dry cockpit and blue skies – in stark contrast to yesterday’s view – you can even see Tortola in the background!

We are moored next to the 58-foot Privilege yacht, ‘Sabore’.  She was being made in the factory in France at the same time as Jeannius and we see her around these islands all the time.  She is beautifully distinctive with her shiny dark blue hulls.  We both wish we had the time, energy and, let’s not deny it, money to have dark hulls on Jeannius, but they are expensive to have done and time consuming to maintain – lots of gentle scrubbing and back-breaking polishing required.

IMGP1483 Photo:  Sabore moored in Great Harbour, Peter Island

Towards the end of the morning we motor back over to Road Town and anchor in what is now a much calmer bay, and make our way over to the inner harbour as I have the dreaded appointment with the dentist.  An hour and two injections later and $231 poorer, we leave, and go off to buy a new blender to replace the once which liberally covered our galley with what was going to be a frozen daiquiri.  $125 later we head back to the boat with our purchase, having also stopped at Bobby’s to buy the ingredients required to experiment with it.

The weather today continues to be glorious, one of the best for ages.  It’s hot, that goes without saying, but without any humidity and a lovely breeze.  Motoring back to Peter Island is a delight.

Immediately we are anchored, I start to experiment with the blender.  Within minutes, Mike and I are drinking a BBC (Baileys, banana and coconut, or more accurately, Coco Lopez).  It is yummy and with two whole bananas in the drink, I can kid myself that it is almost healthy.  Maybe not!

IMGP1492 Photo:  Mike with his evening cuppa

Later on, I sit on the bow seat of the boat with my cup of tea and watch another sunset, noticing how the hues change almost with every passing minute.  It’s at times like these that I wonder why I was ever worried about coming out here then I decide to quit while I’m ahead before I start to remember!


Photo:  Sunset over Tortola, taken from Peter Island

Friday night means it’s curry night, and we sit and watch the final of The Apprentice, and another two episodes of Cold Feet.  A late night for us!  Just as we head off the bed, we notice that the wind has started to howl, and we wonder what’s in store for us tonight!

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