09 June 2009

The Bight to Road Town

We leave Norman Island quite early and motor to West End where Nikki and Brett will get the ferry to St Thomas.  Once there, we all to ashore so that they can do some shopping and I can look at the Havaianas (Brazilian rubber flip-flops) to determine which size I am as two different websites give different US to European conversions.

I see two pairs, one a 7/8, the other an 8/9 – they are exactly the same size, so I don’t hold out much hope for the ones I am about to order actually fitting.

We get back on Jeannius to collect Nikki and Brett’s luggage and go over with them to get their ferry.  As usual, it is organised chaos, although as there are fewer people getting the ferry today, it is less chaotic than usual.  We are told that the advertised 12 o’clock ferry is leaving at 12.30 today so we go down to the Jolly Roger for a drink to wile away some time.

Eventually it is time for Nikki and Brett to leave and we get back to Jeannius ready to wave goodbye to them.  I can see them sitting inside as the ferry leaves and we both wave but I don’t think they see us and the ferry shoots past.

We motor back to Road Town and anchor by the cruise ship dock, looking forlorn and lonely with no cruise ships or queues of taxis beside it, the season now well and truly over.  We are amazed that we are the only yacht anchored here – what does the rest of the sailing fraternity know that we don’t?

The rest of the day passes in a sleepy haze and suddenly it’s evening and we can hear someone knocking on the side of the boat.  We scramble to get some clothes on and find that it’s Rick and Kim, heading back with their laundry to the boat yard where ‘Sophisticated Lady’ is currently hauled out.  I wonder aloud why they always call when we have no clothes on, and Rick says it’s because we are in a permanent state of undress!  He could be right, but only when we’re alone!

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