12 September 2010

Day 249: Darwin to Bali – 12/09/10

Ever seen the movie, Groundhog Day?  Well that’s pretty much life on this passage.  The only difference is how many watches you do.  God I’m bored.  I even cleaned the cooker today!

We swap the Australian customs for the Australian navy today.  A warship calls us up and asks us to verify who we are.  They are on an exercise and I just hope we are not target practise.

I sleep in the afternoon for a while but it’s so bloody hot I wake up sweating so much I am a puddle of my former self, so I get up.  At least outside in the cockpit there is a little breeze, enough for us to sail at a speed which is on the low side of decent, but better than the dammed engine being on.

Mike empties the contents of five jerry cans of diesel into the tank using his new jiggler siphon.  He had to modify it because the marble kept falling out of the end into the can, and his modification works reasonably well, producing a steady, if slow, stream of diesel flowing from one to the other once it gets going.  At least it means only one of us has to do it and the other one (moi) is left to continue reading her book and supervising well out of diesel spurting range.  (Anything on our boat that involves diesel usually involves a lot of spurting and a massive cleanup afterwards!)

 P1030802 Photo:  Look, no hands!  The jiggler siphon at work

I’m still nervous about the boat following incident and when on watch during the day, I scan the horizon more vigilantly than usual and at night anxiously watch the radar.  I’m such a wimp!!



Our position is:  10 deg 58 min S, 118 deg 15 min E

Distance so far:  12682 nautical miles

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