15 February 2011

Day 405: Salvador, Brazil – 15/02/11

The alarm goes off at 5.30 am and we can hear Johanne and Steve moving around getting ready to leave.  Mike has organised a taxi for them at 6 am outside the gate but you never know whether they are going to be there or not.

Unfortunately Johanne has a dicky tummy and I hope that she hasn’t got what I had although I think she would have shown symptoms earlier if it was the same as mine.

We walk them to the gate and the taxi driver isn’t there.  Thankfully though, another couple of taxis are and once we manage to find out the price of the fare to the airport, their bags are loaded in and we hug our goodbyes.  Johanne and I manage not to cry.  I don’t think Mike and Steve have to try quite as hard to hold back the tears!

We wave until our little groupies are out of sight then Mike takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.  It’s just the two of us again.

We go back to bed but can’t get back to sleep so we just lie there reading and drinking tea for a few hours.  We decide that today will be a lazy day which is just as well as it turns out to be another humid scorcher.  I do eventually get my act together enough to pack up all the washing and take it to the marina reception.  There’s so much – all the bed linen and towels from the last three weeks plus Johanne and Steve’s – that it would take me days to get it done in our little washer.  It’s quite expensive here but talking to other people, no one has had missing items so far.

As well as Johanne and Steve leaving this morning, some crews depart for inland trips.  Passing one of these empty boats on his way up the pontoon, Mike notices that a bilge pump is going and on his way back 10 minutes later it is still going.  Not necessarily good news.  Luckily the owner gave Mike his key when he offered to keep an eye on it and he goes to investigate.  It’s a good job he does.   For some reason the electric toilet pump has been pumping water into the toilet since they left and this has overflowed into the heads and then into the cabin.  From there it had been going into the bilges and is being pumped and as long as the bilge pumps kept going it would be OK but if they stopped for any reason (like the shore power going off) …!  Mike manages to find the sea cock and then comes back to the boat to contact the owner and see if he has turned the correct sea cock off as it was a long way from the cabin and toilet – he has! 

In the early evening I notice Maggie on the pontoon, back from her stay in a hotel and pop out to say hi.  We arrange to go out and do something together tomorrow.

In the evening I sit and attempt to do the blog but miss Johanne and Steve too much already to write about their stay.  I’ll get down to it in the next few days.

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