My word, what a storm is was in the night. Lighting lights up the whole sky, thunder claps so loud it makes you jump and rain that sounds like it’s two inches away from your head. But that isn’t what keeps me awake – it’s the bloody bites.
Major consumption of both types of garlic – pickled and roast – that Bob and I had last night make Mike and Maggie innocent victims of our overindulgence and it’s a good job the rain doesn’t come in sideways as we have to leave the windows open! It’s also hot and I’m very grateful for the fitted mosquito screens.
We have a leisurely breakfast then it’s more shopping – of the window variety this time. Lunch is huge, stuffed crab rolls. I raid Maggie’s garden and relieve her of a large bag of tomatoes and loads of ‘erbs. I don’t understand the US pronunciation of the word ‘herb’. For a nation that does not generally speak French, and pronounce French words strangely, to leave the ‘h’ from the beginning of ‘herb’, seems eminently strange to me. Still, it doesn’t stop me plundering Maggie’s supply.
Mike spends a very long time getting the Virgin dongley thing to work. He curses (very gently, this is not me we are talking about) and sighs frequently and loudly, but eventually he has success.
The rain which was so heavy during the night, continues in that persistent, ‘soaks you to the skin’ heavy drizzle for most of the day, but late in the afternoon eventually moves away to bother other parts of New England, and as it disappears, the mosquitoes re-appear as if by magic and I retreat into the house, leaving Maggie to forage in the garden for my goodies.
Photo: Bob receives a sneaky kiss
I get changed, ready for my transfer from water taxi to boat – no best clothes or dangly things that might get caught – then Bob takes us back to Falmouth Yacht Club. Their boat, Decoy, is moored there and Bob wants to give her a quick check over and get a cruising book for Mike.
There are no tears on this parting as there were when we left St Lucia at the end of the World ARC. We have already discussed plans and Maggie and Bob will be taking the charter boat that they crew back down to the Caribbean from Rhode Island around the same time as we will be leaving to go down the Intracoastal Waterway, so we will travel some of the way together. Yippee. An escort through the swamps!
We go over to Decoy first and while Mike and Bob are aboard, the driver lets the launch drift away and gives her a dry – the seats are still soaking wet from all the rain.
Mike and Bob return and it’s over to Jeannius. Mike gets on board first (to grab me if I look like I am going to fall) and Bob stays behind to shove me if I need it. The driver looks amused. I hop straight off and onto Jeannius. Easy peasy. Why was I worried?
Position: 43 deg 43 min N, 70 deg 12 min W
Distance so far: 1818 miles
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