09 July 2010

Day 184: Tanna to Efate, Vanuatu – 09/07/10

I wake up at 2 am still annoyed with myself that I hadn’t sorted more stuff out for the village, then remember that Joe is coming over to look at our water maker before we leave and if I sort it out then, he can take it to the village for me.  I lie awake until gone 5 am unable to put aside my mental list, eventually dozing off minutes before Joe calls just before 6 am to see if we are awake, and I get up to put the things together.

This time I find an unused blanket, pillows, clothing, shoes, soap, shampoo and packets of dried pulses,.  Handing it to Joe as he leaves, I feel much happier, even though I am now giving Joe the task of lugging it all up the hill to the village,  Thanks, Joe!

We drink our tea watching the sun rise in the distance and just before 7 am we set off, just behind Liza.  There is little wind although the sea is a bit choppy.

P1020021 Photo:  Sunrise at Port Resolution

P1020023 Photo:  The north west end of the anchorage

As we motor down the island, the wind is so light and variable that Mike cannot decide which sail to put out, or even whether to bother at all.  Eventually he decides to wait until we have left the shelter of the island.  As we pass Yasur we can see the plumes of smoke that continually burst out.

P1020025 Photo:  The volcano, Yasur, still smoking and blowing

Mike sends me back to bed.  I am like a zombie, having had so little sleep last night, but an hour later I am still awake and eventually resort to drugs to send me off.  At least I then sleep for nearly five hours, waking to find that there is just enough wind to keep the genoa filled.

I make a vat of dhal which Mike pronounces to be the best one ever, so during my first watch I make another huge vat for the freezer which, typically, isn’t as good, even though I would swear that I make it exactly the same.  Making it takes some effort though as the sea has changed and is now very lumpy and uncomfortable.  As I cook, I get bumped around the galley although glad as ever that I am not trying to do this in a monohull!


Our position is:  18 deg 20 min S, 168 deg 34 min E

Distance so far:  9272 nautical miles

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