01 July 2010

Day 176: Fiji – 01/07/10

We wake to a very windy day but lots of sunshine.  Although we intend going for a walk early, it’s nearly 10.30 am before we actually leave the boat.  We have discovered that we have internet access and make the most of it.

However, I really feel the need to stretch our legs and we stroll out towards the back of the resort, looking for the track that goes all the way around.  On our way we see JB windsurfing in the bay.  Being an ex-world champion, he is able to show how it should be done.

P1010640 Photo:  JB demonstrating his windsurfing skills

P1010642 P1010641 Photos:  Around Musket Cove

We walk along the beach first, a lovely wide expanse of waving palm trees and sand.  Beautiful.

 P1010649 P1010650

P1010664 P1010663

 Photos:  Manolo Island’s deserted beaches

Then we start to climb the hill.  It’s so bloody hot but when we get to the top, the views are spectacular and so worth the effort.

P1010680 P1010683 P1010685 P1010686 P1010666 Photos:  Views from the ridge behind Musket Cove

By this time we are hot and exhausted.  We have been walking for around two hours in the midday sun – mad dogs indeed.  Mind you, we are not as baked as the hundreds of frogs (or toads) that litter the road, their squashed little bodies baked crisp and dry by the sun.  Why there are so many is a puzzle, but car tyres have annihilated them all.

P1010690 Photo:  Lying flattened by a car tyre, one of several hundred dead frogs

We wander back, thirsty as hell, and sink a few pints of water before tumbling into bed for a sleep.  Then we get up to say goodbye to Donal.

P1010691 Photo:  Bye bye Donal!

Before we go back to Jeannius we stop to watch the antics on the beach.  Competing WARC teams have been playing volleyball, tug-of-war, some kind of egg and spoon thing and a water game – don’t ask. 

P1010697 P1010692 Photo:  Beach games

The stakes are high and there is a lot of cheating going on!  At the end of it all, poor Paul gets a soaking.

IMG_5320 Photo:  You should have ducked, Paul!

IMG_5324 Photo:  Heidi and I watching the shenanigans on the beach

Late in the afternoon, some of the girls get together for a drink, but by the time my camera comes out, only Maggie, myself and Marie are left.

P1010703 Photo:  Myself, Marie and Maggie

The evening consists of a pig roast supper on the beach, courtesy of the WCC.  Unlike the food the night before, this meal is superb, and sitting with Maggie and Bob, we have great company to boot.

IMG_5348 Photo:  Maggie and Mike

P1010722 Photo:  Bob and I

The evening’s entertainment is Fijian dancing and singing which is quite spectacular, especially the warrior dances.


IMG_5357 IMG_5358 Photos:  Local Fijian dancing

All in all, a great evening.

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