24 April 2010

Day 109: Fakarava, Tuamotus – 24/04/10

Tom comes over at around 8 am to piggy back onto our internet connection in exchange for a run to the boulangerie so we do get our pain chocolate after all, and I have to say, they are the best ones I have had for years.

Chessie leaves the village anchorage before us and I panic, not wanting to be left somewhere without help in case we have the same problems as in Manihi, so we hurriedly pull our anchor up too and there is not problem thank goodness.  It’s about 30 miles from here to the south of Fakarava.  All the way we have to follow a channel, going to the left of any right markers and to the right of any green ones.  Most of the patches of coral are marked by these, but by no means all and we have to keep a vigilant look out.  God help the unwary sailor that goes through here in the dark!

P1000327 Photo:  This patch of coral is marked but some are not

We pass 1+1 and Noeluna on they way and speak to them both on the VHF.  Marie-Anne tells me about the pink sand beach, and I tell her about the pearl shop and farm.  Matthieu tells me about the wall of sharks in the south pass where you can drift dive past 500 to 800 sharks.  I think I’ll stick with the pink sand thanks, Matthieu!

P1000338 Photo:  Noeluna passes us heading north while we head south

We finally arrive in the late afternoon and anchor alongside Chessie who are having to spend the next few hours cooking as their freezer has decided to switch itself off, just like ours occasionally does (although it has been as good as gold since Mike found the offending loose wire).

P1000344 Photo:  Our anchorage for the night

Mike and I get in the dinghy and go exploring the shoreline but almost immediately have to turn back as although we can see all the rocks on our way into shore, the failing light makes it difficult to see them as we turn and it will be impossible within a few minutes so very slowly and gingerly we make our way back to the boat.

P1000361 Photo:  You can see the rocks in front but not behind as the sun goes down

Jutta, Jochem and Tom come over for sundowners and we idle away a few hours together in this nice company and beautiful setting.  Tom brings with him a hard disk full of movies so we can copy any we want onto our system.

P1000356 Photo:  The night sky over the anchorage

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