04 January 2010

St Lucia Day 7

Mike and Jim are fine this morning (well, slightly under the weather but functioning).  I, on the other hand wake up feeling disorientated and dizzy, as if I am drunk.  My head feels like it is full of cotton wool and my hearing is strange.  When I stand up I am like a little weeble.  It has some of the symptoms of vertigo.  Great.  Susan and David suggest it could be an inner ear infection.  Double great!

I spend the day doing nothing much as I am not safe on my feet.  Mike spends the day rushing round like a mad thing, taking the mast shroud up to a machine shop to be ‘engineered’ – I don’t know what actually has to be done, but no doubt it will be expensive.

Jim fits the new speakers in the cockpit so now I can blast us out with loud rock music all the way round the world!!  Hopefully Jim will keep his music selection firmly stuck in his ears via his ipod!  He then attempts to clean off the aluminium strip from round the boat with varying degrees of success.

I make a dhal for lunch – poor Jim is going to be subjected to some of my more dubious concoctions over the next 9 weeks but Mike survives it so he should too.

In the late afternoon, Mike asks me to go to the Rally Briefing with him but I feel too wobbly to go and he persuades Jim to go with him instead.  Thank god he does – three and a half hours later Jim escapes during a ‘comfort’ break and the meeting carries on for another forty five minutes or so.  Mike eventually comes back looking extremely punch drunk (or is comatose a better description?!)

In the evening, Nadine and her family pop over to have a look at the boat.  These were the people who helped Jim at the airport and gave him a lift to the marina.  They are delightful and we will contact them again when we pass through St Lucia in 2011 (that sounds so far away!!).  Mike has lots of things to catch up on for the World Arc so he stays behind after they have gone while Jim and I go over to H2O for a salad.  While we are there, Nadine comes back with two huge bottles of onion salad dressing that is made here on the island.  She so wants us to try it that she has made a special journey – what a sweetie.

Still feeling really wobbly, I retire.  If I wake up like this in the morning, I will have to see a doctor. 

1 comment:

  1. I have so enjoyed reading your blog over the past months as you prepare for your voyage. I wish you God Speed, fair winds, safe sailing and a successful return in a year. I hope that some day we may cross paths as we sail the BVI at a minimum one-two times a year and have done so for over 20 years. I also hope that you keep up your blog as you progress on your journey. As they say in the theatre, break a leg!
