08 August 2010

Day 214: Mackay, Australia – 08/08/10

Another day spent working on the boat one way or another, so not very exciting.  The list is endless and today, Mike is much better at getting on with his than I am with mine.

At least the sun is still shining.

The masses are out in force at the marina today.  There’s a live band and all sorts wandering around eating and drinking.  I go up for a look and come back unimpressed.

When I return to the boat, Mike is taking a break and having a beer with Joe, the Oisin joins us, very impressed that Mike has smooth flow Guinness on board.

For the first time in ages, Mike and I have an afternoon sleep, although mine goes on a lot longer than his, and I wake up to the sound of him drilling holes in the coach roof.  I yell and demand tea and hey presto, it arrives.  What a man!

1 comment:

  1. Just returned from holiday and caught up on your blog which still makes compelling reading. I know you have had your ups and downs while sailing the Pacifi but you and Mike look as though you are really enjoying your adventure. I will read your blog with interest while you are in Australia.
