23 August 2009

Grande Anse d’Arlet, Day 2

Today is a strange day weather-wise.  It’s hot.  It’s always hot but we get a bit of everything else; wind, flat calm, showers, haze and bright blue skies.

Mike takes a look at the bilge pump on the starboard side that hasn’t been working properly and although he can’t actually fix it, he discovers that it isn’t the pump that’s not working, it’s just a broken valve - a cheap thing to fix when we can get the parts!

It’s so hot in the afternoon that Mike suggests a swim and I agree to go with him.  Because we are moored so far out, we don’t bother with swimwear but Mike dons his snorkel and mask and takes a scrubbing brush – obviously more than swimming is going to take place.  Jeannius is growing a thick, green beard from being in one place after another for too long and is in desperate need of new anti-fouling.  I grab a noodle, my hat, sunglasses and another scrubbing brush and get in with him.  It’s really hard trying to scrub the boat when you are a pathetic swimmer and the current is constantly trying to take you out to sea but I give it quite a go.  I scrub just above the waterline to remove the black marks and just under the waterline to remove the green algae although the barnacles are just too much.  I am constantly kicking to get back to the boat, and with it being Sunday, all the speedboats and jet skis are out being a real pain in the ass with their wakes.  After about half an hour, I give up, but Mike carries on until both hulls are clean on the outside. 

As he flicks off a small crab which clings to his arm (no doubt showing its disapproval at bring brushed off the hull of the boat) he is stung quite badly by something.  Sitting on the back of the boat, I pour white vinegar on his arm and Guinness down his throat – a double pronged attack for his discomfort.  Over the next ten minutes, an inch square blister forms.  We can only think it was a jelly fish but it doesn’t look like a jelly fish sting.  Any ideas anyone?

IMGP2187Photo:  The sting

We did mean to go ashore today, but frankly, couldn’t be bothered!


  1. Any jellyfish tangled round ropes at all? Bloody things :(

  2. Maybe it was a poisonous crab?? Just kidding ... definitely a sting of some sort. Hope it goes away quickly!


  3. Haley got stung in the BVI and it left star shaped spots on her, almost like the ends of the tentacles got her...Interesting though that it has no specific or tentacle "shape" to it but I found this link to someone's pics from their Belize trip looks like similar welts...

    Loving the blog Jean! lots of hugs, Laura
