14 November 2010

Day 312: Richards Bay, South Africa – 14/11/10

Another miserable day in all senses of the word.  The weather is foul.  It rains on and off all day and is cold (well, cold to us – probably like a reasonable summer’s day in England).  We still have no news about our generator part and obviously won’t do today because it’s Sunday.

Bev was so appalled by the tension in my shoulders when she saw me yesterday, that she offered Moe’s expert deep tissue massage services and I go over to see when he can fit me in.  Apparently there’s no time like the present and minutes later Moe is pummelling away at the knots like crazy.  Great while it lasts but I’ve a feeling my shoulders will be up around my ears again by tomorrow.

In the late afternoon another four boats leave in the last weather window for a few days.  When Mike looks at Google Earth he can see that some of the boats that left yesterday stopped at Durban but some of them pushed straight on heading for East London I suppose, after which it normally becomes a little bit easier.

We spend some time downloading and filling in my passport renewal forms.  On top of everything else, my passport, which still has over a year to run, is completely full.  I can’t leave the country without renewing it and it has to be sent to Pretoria (just north of Johannesburg) to be done.  We will have to send it by courier and now need to track down somewhere to have passport photos taken although we think we spotted a place in the mall the other day.

The most exciting thing we do today is go to the book swap place up at the yacht club bar.  Exciting stuff, huh?

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