02 May 2011

Tortola, BVI – 02/05/11

We wake up both feeling completely better thank goodness.  While Mike continues with his exhaustive list of jobs to get the boat ready for chartering, I start to sort out my stuff for packing.  Amazingly, all the clothes I am leaving fit into one box.  I make a separate pile of things I am taking home as I have quite a few warm things that I needed for Australia and South Africa which I definitely won’t need here again.

P1080509 Photo:  The stern cabin starts to fill with things I want to pack to take home

As the day goes on, the boat gets more and more untidy as things get pulled out of cupboards and sorted.  Looking at the mess, sorted seems the completely wrong word to use!

P1080510 Photo:  The boxes start to pile up – you can just see Mike’s leg peeking out at the side as he works on the computer

I just can’t believe how much stuff there is.  Our personal stuff – clothes, shoes, toiletries – is just a tiny proportion of it and in fact about half of this is going home – and staying there.  No, most of it is boat spares, parts, ropes, tools, fluids, cleaning materials, bedding and hundreds of bits that you keep – just in case!  We’ll still potentially need a lot of this so being ruthless is not an option at the moment.  It’s a nightmare and I just can’t see us being ready for Friday.  On top of that, there’s canned and dried food, bottles of drink and the additional high quality kitchen equipment that needs to be removed from the galley.

In the late afternoon, Mandy comes aboard to go over the boat and see what needs to be taken off or put on.  By the time she has gone, Mike and I are exhausted and fit for nothing but showers and bed. 

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